Observe here, 1. Our apostle declares his authority to publish the gospel to the Gentiles, and his integrity in the publication of it:. was ordained an apostle,. teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.

Observe, 2. That according to St. Paul's comission, he gave directions to all sorts of persons for the regular performance of their duty. And first concerning the duty of prayer: I will, that is God by me declares his will, that all men pray; that they pray every where, in the public assemblies, in their private families and apartments; lifting up the hands, in token of expecting to receive an answer from heaven. Lifting up holy hands; let their prayers be holy accompanied with faith and charity; without wrath and doubting;. peaceable heart is as necessary in prayer as. pure hand.

'Tis in vain to ask in prayer the favour of God, with anger and revenge in our hearts against man; to pray with doubting is opposed to faith; to pray in wrath, is opposed to charity. As if the apostle had said, "Pray both in actual faith and love."

There must be faith in prayer, otherwise we cannot lift up holy hands without doubting: there must be love, otherwise we cannot lift up holy hands without wrath. Therefore, says the apostle, I will that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands wihtout wrath and doubting. He and his service must be holy, that will serve God acceptably.

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Old Testament