Observe here, 1. The author and penman of this epistle, described by
his name, SIMON PETER, the former given at his circumcision, the
latter by Christ, upon the occasion of his confession, Matthew 16:18;
by his condition, A SERVANT; by his office, an APOSTLE by the author
of his office, JESUS CHRIST... [ Continue Reading ]
The person saluting, and the parties saluted, were mentioned in the
former verse; here we have the salutation itself, 1. The matter of it,
GRACE AND PEACE; grace to free us from God's wrath, and reinstate us
in his favour; peace to quiet our own consciences, and reconcile us to
Observe,2... [ Continue Reading ]
In these words our apostle shews, what reason they had to believe and
hope, that grace and peace should be multiplied unto them, namely,
because almighty God had already given them all things which conduced
to make them holy in this life, and happy in the next, by the
knowledge of Christ.
Others, by... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREBY, or BY WHOM, that is, through the knowledge of Christ in the
gospel, God has given to us all things conducing to our present and
future happiness; and, amongst the rest, the precious promises of the
gospel, which so directly tend to make men partakers of the divine
Note here, That th... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle spends the former part of the chapter in comforting, this
in exhorting; he told us before what God had done for us; he tells us
now, what we must do for ourselves; it is not fit that heaven should
take all the pains, and we none; we must give diligence, all
BESIDES THIS, that... [ Continue Reading ]
To encourage Christians to grow and improve in the fore-mentioned
virtues and graces, our apostle here lays before us, 1. The great
advantage of such. proficiency and growth; IF THESE THINGS BE IN YOU
AND ABOUND, that is, the fore-mentioned graces, they will both cause
you, and evidence you not to b... [ Continue Reading ]
As if our apostle had said, "See that in the diligent exercise of the
afore-named graces, and in the daily practice of the afore-mentioned
duties, you make your calling and election, which are sure in
themselves, sure to you; for so doing, you shall never fall or
miscarry eternally."
Here note, Tha... [ Continue Reading ]
There are four sorts of persons spoken of in scripture:
1. Some are said to be far from the kingdom of God, afar off from God,
as Heathens and Infidels, who know not God.
2. Others are said not to be far from the kingdom of God, Mark 12:34,
who yet will never come there.
3. Others are scarcely sa... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The persons to whom the apostle gave the foregoing
exhortation to progressiveness and proficiency in holiness, they were
knowing persons, yea, established persons, they were both informed and
confirmed in the truth; but were they knowing, yet they wanted farther
information: were th... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle comes now to exhort them to constancy in the faith of the
gospel, assuring them that himself and his fellow-apostles had not
followed artificially devised fables, when they made known to them the
coming of Christ in the flesh, and that he was truly, and in very
deed, the promised Messias... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, That the Scriptures, or written word of God, are. more
sure word to us than any voice from heaven, or revelation whatsoever;
not that there was any uncertainty in the Lord's voice uttered from
heaven at Christ's transfiguration, but because that transient voice
was heard only by three,... [ Continue Reading ]
These words are understood variously.
1. Some interpret them thus; That no part of the holy Scripture was
written by any private impulse, incitation, or motion, by no
suggestion of men's own private spirits, but they gave out to us what
the Holy Ghost gave in to them; nor did they prophesy accordin... [ Continue Reading ]