That is, the beginnings of Antichristianity are secretly and mysteriously already working, which will bring Antichrist himself forth in time, even Antichristian doctrines, and the affecting of Antichristian dominion: only the empire that now hindereth must be removed and taken out of the way.

Note here, so great an enemy is Satan to the salvation of mankind, that no sooner did Christ erect. kingdom in the world for saving sinners, but the devil set up his ensign in opposition thereunto. Antichristianism is almost as old as Christianity; the mystery of iniquity soon appeared after the revelation of the mystery of godliness; though truth be error's elder, yet error is not much truth's younger: The mystery of iniquity doth already work.

And from these words, He that letteth, will let, till taken out of the way, learn, That the greatest empires and monarchies upon earth have their final and fatal periods determined by God, beyond which they shall not stand; the Roman empire that letteth, shall be taken out of the way.

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Old Testament