For which cause, that is, "For the sake of the gospel, and not as an evil doer,. suffer patiently all afflictive evils, without either fear or shame, well knowing in whom. repose my faith and hope, my trust and confidence; and firmly believing that he is able to keep that which. have committed to him, my temporary life, yea, my eternal life, the life of my soul, my reward in heaven;. have committed all unto, and deposited all in God's hand, and. am sure he is both able and willing, he both can and will keep in safety, that which. have thus committed to him."

Note here, 1. That the knowledge of God must precede, or go before faith in God. I know in whom. have believed: Faith sees not him, in whom it believeth, but it knows him in whom it believeth.

Note, 2. There is no such way to secure the soul, as to commit it into God's hand; the way to make the soul safe, is to commit it to him to keep, and that in the way of well-doing.

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Old Testament