St. Paul having acquainted Timothy with the hard things which he had
suffered from the gospel of Christ, and withal informed him how many
had flinched for fear of suffering forsaking him and the cause of God
defended by him; in this verse he exhorts Timothy to courage and holy
resolution for Christ;... [ Continue Reading ]
A second charge given to Timothy, is to take special care that the
doctrine of the gospel, and the precepts of holy living, which he had
heard St. Paul deliver, in the presence of many witnesses, should be
handed down and transmitted to men of great fidelity and ability, whom
he was to ordain and im... [ Continue Reading ]
Still we find our apostle prosecuting the great and general design of
this epistle, which is to direct Timothy in the faithful discharge of
his office, as. minister of the gospel, and particularly to prepare
for sufferings, and to inure himself to hardship, and to encounter
with difficulties and dan... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle having, in the foregoing verses exhorted Timothy to
patience and constancy under suffering, comes now to direct him as to
the matter and subject of his preaching, particularly, that he insist
upon the incarnation and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ;
REMEMBER THAT JESUS CHRIST was t... [ Continue Reading ]
St. Paul having acquainted Timothy in the foregoing verses with his
sufferings, even unto bonds, here he lets him understand and know,
why, and for whose sake, he did so cheerfully endure all these things,
namely, FOR THE ELECTS SAKE. Though the rest of the world rejected the
gospel, yet the elect w... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The excellent advice which St. Paul gives to Timothy,
to all the ministers of the church, and to all the Christian churches
far and near, that they spend not their time in disputes, that they
contend not about words, which have no tendency to make men either
wiser or better, but ser... [ Continue Reading ]
St. Paul having now finished the exhortatory part of this chapter, and
acquainted Timothy what he would have him practise and do, now comes
to. dehortation, advising him what he would have him avoid and shun;
and here, first, he bids him SHUN PROFANE AND VAIN BABBLINGS; the vain
babblings of the Hea... [ Continue Reading ]
As if our apostle had said, "Notwithstanding that HYMENEUS AND
PHILETUS, with others, are fallen away, nevertheless we know that the
foundation of God, his holy covenant, standeth firm and sure, having.
seal annexed to it, (as usually contracts have, whereby two parties do
oblige themselves mutually... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle had told us at 2 Timothy 2:17-18, of certain heretics;
such as HYMENEUS and PHILETUS, whose doctrines did eat like. canker or
gangrene: he tells us here, that it is not to be wondered at, that
there should be such persons in the church, because the visible church
is God's great house, no... [ Continue Reading ]
Still our apostle proceeds in his holy, cautionary directions to
Timothy what to avoid, and what to follow.
He advises him, 1. To avoid and FLEE YOUTHFUL LUSTS: by which may be
understood, not only the lusts of the flesh, but also the lusts and
vices of the mind, as ambition and pride, vain-glory a... [ Continue Reading ]
By the servant of the Lord, we are here to understand all the bishops
and governors, the pastors and teachers, of the church; by not
striving, that they are not to irritate and provoke such as dissent
and differ from them; not to strive indecently with the tongue, but by
soft and gentle words, by cl... [ Continue Reading ]