Still our apostle proceeds in his holy, cautionary directions to Timothy what to avoid, and what to follow.

He advises him, 1. To avoid and flee youthful lusts: by which may be understood, not only the lusts of the flesh, but also the lusts and vices of the mind, as ambition and pride, vain-glory and ostentation.

Where note, That the flesh, with its affections and lusts, are such dangerous enemies to our holiness and salvation, that the holiest of ministers and best of men have need, very great need, to be warned of them, and cautioned against them: flee thou,. Timothy, also youthful lusts.

2. He advises Timothy also to avoid foolish and unlearned questions, that is, controversies and disputes, knowing that such contentious wranglings do but engender strife.

It is not unworthy our observation, that no less than four times in these two epistles, do we meet with this precept from the apostle, to avoid questions and disputes, and to apply to that which is practical, showing of what great importance it is so to do; and we shall meet with it again in the epistle to Titus. Titus 3:9

From whence learn, That disputes about matters which only serve to beget strife and contention, but tend little to edification in faith and holiness, are vain talking, unprofitable disputes, and as such to be avoided.

Observe next, he directs Timothy what to follow, having shown him what to avoid; namely, to follow after righteousness and faith, peace and charity with all persons, but especially with all our brethren and fellow-Christians calling on the same Lord, and professing the same faith with us.

Where note, That we ought to have charity for, to maintain peace with, and by no means to separate from our communion, any person who serves Christ with. pure heart: Follow, says our apostle, charity and peace, with all those that call on the Lord Jesus Christ out of. pure heart.

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Old Testament