This is the last, but not the least sin of the perilous times: the apostle,

1. Tells us what these men have, a form of godliness; that is,. vain, empty show of piety and religion, which discovers itself in external devotion, in. profession of the Christian faith, in an external show of mortification, in. great zeal for some particular party, or private opinion.

2. What they want, the power of godliness, that is, the truth and sincerity of it, consisting in true love to God and our neighbour.

3. The apostle directs us as to our behaviour towards such men, From these turn away.

Learn hence,1. That. person may go far, and advance high, in an external profession of piety and religion, and yet have no more than. form of godliness.

2. That notwithstanding this, there is such. thing as the internal and inward power of godliness and religion, which few maintain, but most deny.

Learn, 3. That Christians must shun familiarity with such as have the brand of the foregoing infamous sins upon them, and not hold correspondency with such as are the avowed enemies of Christ and his kingdom.

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Old Testament