Observe here, 1. most solemn adjuration and charge given, I CHARGE
Lord! what opiate can stupify the conscience of minister, that he
shall not feel the authority of such. charge, or not be awakened by
such arden expressions! Ho... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we have the reason of our apostle's solemn adjuration in the
foregoing verses, by which he stirs up Timothy to. careful discharge
of his duty; namely, in regard of the apostasy of the times, in which
many would grow weary of sound doctrine, and follow fables.
Here note, 1. The ground of this a... [ Continue Reading ]
Behold here. fourfold duty pressed upon Timothy;
1. Watchfulness: WATCH THOU IN ALL THINGS. As if he had said, "False
teachers will beset you round on every side; therefore guard and watch
every where."
2. Courage: ENDURE AFFLICTIONS: he that fears the frowns of men, can
never discharge his duty f... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle being now come almost to the end of his Christian and
ministerial race, he first looks downward into his grave with comfort,
ver, 6. and sees his death. pleasing sacrifice to God, and. sweet
Next he loo... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle comes now, in this second part of the chapter, to treat of
some private and personal affairs.
And first he desires Timothy to come speedily to him, having. great
desire to see him, and be comforted by him, before he died. The
strongest of Christians may sometimes be helped by the weaker... [ Continue Reading ]
St. Paul having desired Timothy's company at Rome, requests him to
bring with him such things as he wanted, and stood in present need of.
1. His CLOAK: probably. garment which in the winter season he might
want the warmth and benefit of, especially being in. cold prison. So
long as we are upon eart... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our apostle, 1. Complains of the injuries and oppositions which
he had met with from AEXANDER THE COPPERSMITH, who was before. great
professor, but now become. grievous persecutor: He made shipwreck of
the faith, 1 Timothy 1:19 which he did before profess; nay, 'tis
thought this man, Acts 19:33... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle here complains of the timorousness of weak Christians in
their carriage towards him, at his first appearing before Nero the
emperor of Rome, or some of his officers; they deserted him, they all
deserted him, very few durst own him. But this was out of weakness and
timorousness, not our o... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, "Though man forsook me, God stood by me; the Lord Jesus
strengthened me, that by me, thus standing up in the defence of the
gospel, the preaching of it might be fully known, and that all the
Gentiles might hear the defence of it; and thus, for that time,. was
delivered out of Nero's hands,... [ Continue Reading ]
Mark, He doth not say, The Lord will deliver me from every evil
worker, but FROM EVERY EVIL WORK; though he doth not save me from my
temporal enemies, blessed be God my spiritual enemies shall never hurt
me, neither sin not Satan.
Lord! it is. far greater favour to be preserved from sin, than from... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, How mindful the apostle is of his absent friends; though
he was now in prison, and they. great way from him, yet he sends pious
salutations to them. This Prisca or Priscilla, and Aquilla, are often
remembered by St. Paul, he lodged in their house at Corinth: The
saints and servants of... [ Continue Reading ]
Erastus is mentioned, Romans 16:23 as chamberlain of the city of
Corinth, one that shewed kindness to Paul; he was. great man, the
treasurer of the city of Corinth; yet neither his riches, nor his
great place, could keep him from loving the apostle and the afflicted
church of God. Rarely are great m... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle being greatly desirous to see Timothy before his death,
reneweth his request and suit to him to make haste and come before
winter: the personal presence of good men is much, very much desired
by them, in order to excite and quicken each other.
To encourage Timothy to hasten to him, he n... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle concludes this, like his other epistles, with an
apostolical benediction, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST BE WITH THY SPIRIT; as
if he had said, "Be not sad at my departure; for, though. must leave
thee, yet the Lord will uphold thee by his grace, and be present with
thee by the influence of the H... [ Continue Reading ]