Acts 10:1

Observe here, 1. The person described to whom St. Peter is sent to preach the gospel: by his name, Cornelius: by his occupation,. soldier; by his religion,. proselyte or converted Gentile, of which there were two sorts; some were proselytes of the covenant, that is, such Gentiles as submitted themse... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 10:3

Observe here, 1. The extraordinary favour afforded to Cornelius; namely, the vision of an holy angel. This devout man did not seek the face of God in vain; God sends him first an angel to comfort him, then an apostle, to instruct him: HE SAW IN. VISION AN ANGEL OF GOD. Observe, 2. The effect which... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 10:5

Observe here, 1. That although God sent an angel to Cornelius, to acquaint him with his will; yet the angel was to direct him to the apostle, who was to instruct him in the faith. This, no doubt, God did, to put honour upon the ministers and ministry of the gospel; as also to let us understand and k... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 10:7

Observe here, 1. That as Cornelius had. vision from God, to encourage him to send for Peter, so the apostle had likewise. vision to encourage him to go to Cornelius. In which note, 1. The time when he had this vision, it was AT THE SIXTH HOUR, or high noon; which was one of the three hours of praye... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 10:17

Here note, 1. How St. Peter sets himself to meditate upon what he had seen and heard from God: HE PONDERED WITH HIMSELF WHAT THIS VISION, WHICH HE HAD SEEN, SHOULD MEAN. Whatever passes from God to man, either by the eye, or through the ear, ought to be the subject of our deepest meditation. We are... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 10:21

Observe here, 1. The messengers whom Cornelius sent to St. Peter, two of his household-servants, and. devout soldier. All soldiers are not rude: but some are religious. Behold. devout soldier under. devout captain, and two household-servants whom their master's example had rendered humble and modest... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 10:30

Observe here, 1. Cornelius relates the occasion of his sending for St. Peter, and the warrant he had for so doing: He declares that as he was fasting and praying in his family, he had. vision, in which an angel directed him to send for the apostle. Where note, That Cornelius doth not talk of his fa... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 10:34

As if the apostle had said, "I now very plainly perceive, that the partion wall is broken down, and that national prerogatives, or personal excellencies, find no acceptance with God: But that any man, be he of what nation or family soever, if he feareth God, and worketh righteousness, shall find acc... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 10:36

Observe here, 1. The antiquity of the gospel, or of the doctrine of reconciliation by Jesus Christ; it was preached to the patriarchs, and by the prophets to the ancient Israelites: THE WORD, WHICH GOD SENT TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, PREACHING PEACE BY JESUS CHRIST. Thence learn, That there is but... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 10:44

Observe here, 1. What. miraculous power of the Holy Ghost did accompany St. Peter's ministry at this time, therby giving him an assurance of the future conversion of the Gentiles, to the great wonder and astonishment of the Jews, who thought the promise of sending down the Holy Ghost belonged only t... [ Continue Reading ]

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