Observe here, 1. Satan, the grand enemy of the church of God, never
wants instruments for carrying on his persecuting designs against the
church; he had many Pharaohs in the Old Testament times, bitter
oppressors of the Jewish church; and several Herods under the New
Testament; as Herod Antipas, and... [ Continue Reading ]
Note here, 1. The person slain by the sword of Herod, James the
brother of John. We read in the gospel that he was one of the sons of
Zebedee, that desired of Christ the pre-eminence to sit at his right
hand in his kingdom: and now he is the first of the apostles that
suffered matrydom who drank of... [ Continue Reading ]
Peter being imprisoned, observe, What an excess of care and caution
Herod takes for securing his prisoner: Sixteen soldiers are set to
guard him; four at. time, and to take their turns at the four watches
of the night, to relieve one another.
Thence learn, That the enemies of the church make the sur... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, fervent and importunate prayer was put up to God by the
church on Peter's behalf: With the united strength of their whole
souls they stormed heaven, and took him by force out of Herod's hand.
Learn, 1. That when the church is plunged into deep perplexities, the
only help she can hope for m... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe, Peter continued in prison till the very night before Herod
intended to bring him out to the people: And if they desired it, it is
probable he intended to put him to death the next day.
Learn thence, That God oft-times suffers his children to come to the
pit's brink, and then delivers them,... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. That God hath sometimes made use of the ministry of
angels to effect deliverance for his people.
Observe, 2. That several food offices which the angels now did for
Peter, in order to his enlargement. Peter is asleep, and angel awakes
him; he is laid, the angel raises him; he is ama... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The wise and holy course which the church took for
the apostles enlargement, and that was keeping. day of prayer.. number
of Christians get together, and importune heaven; the enemies plot,
the church prays; they shut the prison doors, the church opens
heaven's doors, and God gives... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. How wicked persecutors are mightily enraged, when
their bloody purposes are disappointed. Herod having lost his prize,
is so incensed, that he caused the keepers first to be examined, (and
possibly by tortures) and then to be put to death.
Observe, 2. The justice of God, and the gr... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe, Herod, upon St. Peter's escape out of his hands, leaves
Jerusalem, and goes to dwell at Cesarea, where, being highly
displeased with the rich citizens of Tyre and Sidon, he designs to
make war upon them. But they being sensible tht their cities lying
upon the sea coasts, and having little l... [ Continue Reading ]
Upon. set day, that is, as some suppose, on his own birthday, he was
arrayed in royal apparel, in. cloke made of cloth of silver, but dyed
with St. James's blood, Acts 12:2. which being beaten upon by the sun
beams, did plainly dazzle the eyes of all spectators; he makes an
eloquent oration more gau... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe, Herod the tyrant and persecutor being dead, the gospel
prospered, and was preached up and down with great success.
Persecutors, by their weak endeavours to pull down the church, do
build it up the stronger. The church in Egypt never grew so high as
when Pharaoh laboured most to keep it low;... [ Continue Reading ]