Observe here, 1. How very forward Satan and his instruments were to
sow the seeds of discord and dissension amongst the converted
Christians at Antioch: he takes the first opportunity to break the
church in pieces, before it is well settled.
O the restless malice of an envious devil against the gos... [ Continue Reading ]
Here note, 1. How that great but humble apostle, St. Paul, who had
learned of his Master to be meek and lowly in spirit, was willing and
content to be. servant and messenger of the church to the apostles,
though he was nothing inferior to the chiefest apostle: PAUL AND
BARNABAS WENT UP TO THE APOSTL... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, some Jews of the sect of the Pharisees, converted to
Christianity, thought and taught, that circumcision, and keeping of
the law of Moses, was necessary to salvation, both to Jew and Gentile
Where observe, 2. That the spirit of infallibility with which the
apostles were at that... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The council assembled, the first and most famous
council of councils. In other councils were holy bishops; in this,
inspired apostles, who could not err in matters of faith.
Observe, 2. The grand debate, or matter in controversy; namely,
whether faith in Christ were not sufficient... [ Continue Reading ]
The second speech made in this council, was that of Barnabas and Paul,
who declared what miracles God had enabled them to work among the
Gentiles, which was an evidence of God's approbation of the Gentiles,
though uncircumcised, and that he was pleased with their adminstration
among them.
Hence the... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The excellent order in which this grand debate was
managed by the apostles; they do not break in upon one another like
proud magisterial talkers, so full of themselves that they could not
hear one another speak; but while one speaks, all the rest silently
and attentively hear, no on... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. That though the apostles were the infallible
deciders, yet the elders, and the whole church, were unanimous
consenters; for no contradiction to the determination of this
controversy did rise from any hand, but there was. happy acquiescence
in this apostolical decision: IT PLEASED TH... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. With what fidelity and care Paul and Barnabas, and
Judas and Silas, delivered this decretal epistle to the church at
Antioch; that is, to the whole body of Christians, believing Jews and
Gentiles, then and there assembled: WHEN THEY HAD GATHERED THE
JUDAS AND SILAS BEING PROPHETS; that is, persons extraordinarily
inspired, and endued with eminent gifts for teaching and interpreting
the holy scriptures; they employed themselves at Antioch, confirming
and building up their brethren in the faith of Christ. And after they
had stayed at Antioch some... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, The pious and prudential care which St. Paul, who had
planted churches, takes to visit and inspect them; that he might see
and understand how they did thrive and grow in the knowledge of
Christ, and in their sincere obedience to him. This great apostle had
been sowing the good seed of... [ Continue Reading ]