Acts 16:1

The latter end of the foregoing chapter gave us. sad account of. dissension and difference arising between Paul and Barnabas, upon which they parted; Barnabas sails for Cyprus, but what success he had there the scripture says not. St. Paul goes through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the churches, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 16:4

The sense is this, That as Paul and Silas passed through the cities in Syria and Cilicia, they delivered to the several churches, as they passed along, the decrees to observe, which were ordained by the apostles and elders met in council at Jerusalem, whereby those churches were established in the f... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 16:6

Observe here, How the apostle and his companions had. desire and design to propagate the gospel in several provinces, but were forbidden by. secret impulse of the Holy Spirit. Learn thence, That the frustrating our attempts, and disappointing our designs to preach the gospel to particular places, wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 16:8

These words are. relation of. message from heaven unto St. Paul, to direct him in his preaching and publishing of the gospel, both as to the place where, and as to the persons to whom, he was to deliver it. Where note, The manner of it: it was by. vision, A VISION APPEARED. The time of it, it was i... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 16:11

A farther account is here given of St. Paul's travels to preach the gospel; he departs from Troas to Samothracia, from thence to Neapolis, and thence to Philippi, the chief city of Macedonia. Here on the sabbath-day he went out of the city to the river's side, where. meeting place for prayer, say so... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 16:16

AS WE WENT TO PRAYER,. DAMSEL POSSESSED MET US. That is, As the apostles went towards the forementioned place of prayer,. damsel possessed with the devil, by whose inspiration she foretold future things, and revealed many secrets to them that consulted her, followed them, crying out, THESE ARE THE S... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 16:25

The apostles are here, by Satan and his instruments, cast into prison; but observe, they had their prison-comforts. 1. The joy of their hearts runs out at their lips: they sang praises unto God, when their bodies were in prison, and their feet were in the stocks; these holy servants of God were not... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 16:29

As if the gaoler had said, "Sirs, now. see and acknowledge that the doctrine taught by you is the truth of the eternal God; and he hath by this miraculous earthquake testified to me, that you are his true and faithful servants: tell me therefore,. beseech you, what. must do to attain salvation?" The... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 16:33

Behold how sudden and strange. change was wrought in this gaoler. Before his conversion he was cruel, barbarous, and hard-hearted; now he is meek, merciful, and compassionate. He that before had beaten, imprisoned, and hurt the holy apostles' feet in the stocks, now pities them, mourns over them, an... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 16:34

See here. special evidence and sweet fruit of the gaoler's conversion; he brings the apostles, who were the instruments of his conversion, into his house; and having washed their stripes, refreshes their bowels: he set meat before them. The truth of conversion will manifest itself in. thankfulness,... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 16:35

Observe here, 1. The willingness of the magistrates to release those innocent prisoners, the holy apostles, and what might be the probable occasion of it; namely, 1. The terror of the earthquake, which affected them with fear. 2. The conscienceness of their own guilt, for their injurious dealing w... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 16:38

Observe here, 1. What an awe God has over the consciences of men in general, and of magistrates in particular: they stoop to their prisoners, and beseech them to come out of prison, and to depart from the city. The same can God do for all his servants who have been disgracefully and despitefully use... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament