The latter end of the foregoing chapter acquainted us with the
sorrowful and heavy parting of the elders and church of Ephesus from
the holy apostle.
Now, the first verse of this chapter informs us, that it was not less
sorrowful on the apostle's and his companions' part. So much the word
here impo... [ Continue Reading ]
The divine providence is not more signally discovered in governing the
motions of the clouds, than it is in ordering the spirits and motions
of his ministers. The motion of the clouds is not spontaneous and from
themselves, but they move as they are moved by the wind; neither can
the ministers of Ch... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. That nothing could divert the apostle from his
intended journey to Jerusalem: the report of sufferings was no
discouragement to him, nor could the persuasive intreaties of his
friends prevail with him. Seeing therefore he was resolved to go on,
they all of them with their wives and... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. That during the apostle's stay at Cesarea, in
Philip's house,. certain prophet named Agabus comes thither, and
prophesieth of St. Paul's bonds at Jerusalem.
Where note, that though Agabus was. prophet, yet by what appeareth of
him in scripture, he was always. prophet of evil things... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The entire affection of the disciples to the holy
Learn, That the lives and liberties of those who are eminent
instruments of God's glory, are very dear and precious to the faithful
servant... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle having boldly resolved, that come life, or come death, he
would be obedient to the call of God by his Spirit, and that nothing
should divert him from his intended journey to Jerusalem, sits forward
from Cesarea to Jerusalem, accompanied with certain disciples of
Cesarea, who brought him... [ Continue Reading ]
We had Paul's report to the church at Jerusalem, of the success which
God had given him in his ministry amongst the Gentiles; this is
related in the foregoing paragraph of the chapter.
In these verses before us, we have the church's reply to the apostle's
relation, THEY GLORIFIED GOD; first, for th... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. That at the instance and importunity of his friends,
St. Paul is persuaded to purify himself in the temple; partly to gain
upon the affections of the believing Jews, who were still zealous of
the law; and partly to confute the false aspersions of them that
reported him to be against... [ Continue Reading ]
Note here, 1. How the great and gracious God provideth seasonable
rescues for his persecuted and perplexed saints and servant: WHEN THEY
WENT ABOUT TO KILL PAUL, God raises him up. deliverer.
Note, 2. The unexpected instrument of the apostle's deliverance, and
that was an heathen governor. The Roma... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe, 1. The justice which the chief captain, though an heathen
soldier, doth St. Paul: he demands WHAT HE HAD DONE, before he
punishes him. An heathen would hear the cause before he condemns the
person;. piece of justice which the law of nature requires and obliges
Observe, 2. The unjust su... [ Continue Reading ]