Observe here, 1. barbarous and bloody plot,. cursed combination and conspiracy, against the life of the innocent and useful apostle: no sooner was it daylight, but the wicked Jews bind themselves by an oath, never to eat or drink more, until they eat the apostle's flesh, and drink his blood. Thus the wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth, Psalms 37:12.

Observe, 2. The numbers which were engaged in this conspiracy: more than forty, they all agreed as one man.

Lord, how numerous, how unanimous, how resolute and outrageous, are the enemies of thy holy religion, to carry on their cursed contrivances for the extirpation of it!

Thus it was here; these enemies were numerous, more than forty. The devil's designs never miscarry for want of fit instruments: he has. party ever ready to oppose the gospel in every place.

And as they were unanimous, as well as numerous, they combined together in one cursed bond: here was unity, but not an unity in the truth, but. conspiracy against it; here was the agreement and friendship, but it was like that of Herod and Pilate against Christ, and not for him; and they were resolute and outrageous, They bound themselves under. curse, under. bloody vow, to pursue their purpose of murdering the apostle. It has been the old policy of the enemies of the church to oblige and bind themselves by oaths and execrations, by leagues and associations, to carry on their wicked and bloody designs against the church. They were more than forty which made this conspiracy.

Observe, 3. The quality of the persons which were engaged in this bloody purpose: they were the Sadducees, who denied the immortality of the soul, and. life after death. And they apply themselves to the high-priest, and Sanhedrin or great council, not doubting of his and their readiness to join with them.

O what. low ebb was the Jewish religion now at! What an high-priest and priesthood was there, that must head. conspiracy of murdering Sadducees! How great was the degeneracy of the Jewish church, when their chief priests were thus ready to comply with, and contribute their best assistance to, such. cruel crew of cut-throats and bloody assassins! but they had almost filled up the measure of their sins, and their final destruction was near approaching.

Observe, lastly, What craft and cruelty, what fraud and force, are here found and combined together in the church's enemies. The council must court the captain, that he bring down his prisoner, as though they would enquire something more perfectly concerning him. Thus was the plot against the apostle's life laid craftily as well as cruelly: under. pretence of having the prisoner re-examined, they contrive to have him brought down from the castle, and in his way to the council they combined together for his destruction.

Lord, abate the power of the church's enemies, since their malice cannot be abated!

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Old Testament