Observe here, How Ananias the high-priest, with the elders or heads of the Jewish council at Jerusalem, travel from thence to Cesarea,. great many miles, to inform the governor against St. Paul; After five days Ananias descended, &c.

The devil's drudges stick at no pains, spare for no cost, in doing his drudgery.. persecuting spirit claps wings to. person, it makes him swift in his motion, and zealous in his application and endeavours.

Observe, 2. How the high-priest carrieth with him one of their most eminent and eloquent advocates, to implead the innocent apostle.

Satan never miscarries in any of his enterprises and wicked designs for want of fit tools to carry them on. He hath his Tertullus, an eloquent orator, ready, who could tune his tongue any way for. large fee. Ananias descended, with. certain orator named Tertullus, &c.

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Old Testament