The last verses of the foregoing chapter acquainted us with the
practice of the primitive Christians at the first plantation of the
gospel, in selling their possessions for charitable uses, and laying
down the money at the apostles' feet, for the relief of their fellow
brethren and members in Christ... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The justice of the punishment inflicted upon Ananias
for his sin; he is struck dead upon the spot for his sacrilege,
covetousness, hypocrisy and lying: Doubtless it was. very heinous sin
which God so severely punished, and it was the first sin of this kind
under the New Testament. T... [ Continue Reading ]
Three things are here observable:
1. How that act of severity upon Ananias and Sapphira for their
hypocrisy, is instantly succeeded with acts of clemency and mercy upon
others: The former acts of severity in the apostles were necessary to
prevent the intrusion of hypocrites into the Christian churc... [ Continue Reading ]
Note here, 1. How the persecution of the holy apostles did gradually
advance and increase. In the former Chapter s the apostles were only
secured, kept in hold for. night and dismissed with. threatening next
day; but now being filled. second time with the Holy Spirit, they are
better enabled to grap... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. No sooner were the apostles out of prison, but they
enter into the temple and preach, with. redoubled zeal and diligence;
no doubt, Satan had better have let these holy men alone, than have
cast them into prison; for the cold blasts of persecution and
imprisonment beating upon their... [ Continue Reading ]
To the foregoing charge of obstinacy brought in against the apostles,
St. Peter answers in the name, and as the mouth of the rest; owning
that they had not obeyed them in their injunction, because they had
commanded that which was contrary to the command of God.
Where observe, How the apostles asse... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. general council erring, and that fundamentally in
matters of faith. They determined peremptorily, That the doctrine and
practice of the apostles was not from God; and accordingly resolved to
suppress them, and that by death.
Thence learn, That no determination of. council against.... [ Continue Reading ]