In the former verses, prayer was offered up to God by St. Paul, to enable the Colossians to do his will, his whole will, acceptably; in this verse he pleads with God, to strengthen them with an almighty power to bear afflictions, the sharpest and longest afflictions, patiently and joyfully: Strengthened with all might, unto all patience with joyfulness.

Learn hence, 1. That the cross of Christ, or sufferings for Christ are unavoidable, but unsupportable; though they will shock an ordinary patience and constancy of mind, yet might, all might, power, glorious power, which is here prayed for us, and elsewhere promised to us, can and will enable us to stand under them! Glorious power will be victorious power.

Learn, 2. That patience, much patience, very much patience, yea, all patience is needful, nay, absolutely and indispensibly necessary, to enbale. Christian to bear some trials, and to glorify God in an afflicted condition. All patience,. say, is necessary in order to the cheerful bearing of afflictions, that is, patience at all times, patience under all crosses, patience, if possible, without any mixture of impatience; patience that may give. man the possession of himself, and quiet the whole man, the tongue, the hand, and the heart. Such measures and degrees of patience as will keep the heart from sinking, the tongue from complaining, the hend from revenging.

Lord! grant, that whenever any of thine are called forth to suffer either for thee, or for thine, they may be strengthened with all might, according to thy glorious power, unto all patience and long- suffering with joyfulness.

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Old Testament