Still our apostle proceeds in describing the person of our Redeemer, and the admirable qualificatons found in him for the work and service of our redemption; he declares here, that there was. perfect and complete fulness of all divine graces and excellencies dwelling in the Mediator, and that by the pleasure and appointment of God the Father; there is in him. fulness of merit for our justification,. fulness of grace for our sanctification,. fulness of wisdom for our direction,. fulness of power for our preservation,. fulness of mercy, pity, and compassion, to relieve and succour us in all our distresses.

And this fulness which is in Christ, is an original and independent fulness, and it is an infinite and inexhaustible fulness; it is. complete and comprehensive fulness, and it is. ministerial fulness; the fulness that is in him of grace and comfort, is on purpose to communicate unto us, to be dispersed and given forth to all his members. No sooner had our apostle said, that he is the Head of the body, the church; but he instantly subjoins, that it pleased the Father, that in him should all fulness dwell, namely, for his church's benefit and advantage.

Learn hence, That for anyone to be, or to pretend to be the church's head, it is necessary that he be endued with all the fulness of the God head, and of all ministerial graces; and therefore it is the highest degree of blasphemy in the Pope, and vain sinful man, to assume this title to himself, being destitute of this divine fulness; full indeed he is, but full of pride, full of sin, full of himself; and without repentance for this and his other blasphemies, will, at length be full of wrath.

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Old Testament