Observe here, 1. The nature of the duty to which we are exhorted; this
is expressed both affirmatively and negatively; affirmatively, Seek
the things above, and set your affections on them; negatively, Not on
the things here on earth; it being impossible to seek and set our
affections upon both in a... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we have. fresh argument to enforce the foregoing exhortation,
Seek the things above, FOR YE ARE DEAD, that is, dead to sin, dead to
the world, therefore be not over eager in the pursuit of the things
How affrighting. sight would it be, to see. dead man rise out of his
grave, and convers... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, "When Christ, who is the author, and purchaser, and preserver
of our life, shall appear to judge the world at the great day, then
shall all believers, who have received spiritual life from him, be
sharers in glory with him.
Here note, 1. That Jesus Christ, by whom believers live. life of
g... [ Continue Reading ]
Note here, 1. That although the apostle told them in the third verse,
that they were dead to sin, yet here, in the fifth verse, he bids them
mortify sin; intimating, that the work of mortification, at the best,
is but imperfect, and must be carried on daily and progressively; they
were mortified but... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our apostle backs his exhortation to mortify sin, with strong
arguments and motives; the first is taken from the wrath of God,
which, in its dismal effects, falls upon those who continue in, and
under the power of those sins: FOR WHICH THINGS SAKE, that is, for the
committing of which things, a... [ Continue Reading ]
In the foregoing verses, St. Paul exhorted the Colossians to mortify
external and outward sins, as fornication and uncleanness; here he
presses them to mortify internal and spiritual sins, such as anger,
wrath, and malice, sins of the heart. The axe of mortification must be
laid to the root of inwar... [ Continue Reading ]
WHERE, that is, in which state of renovation, or under the present
gospel-dispensation, there is found with God no respect to any man's
person or nation, as before there was under the legal dispensation;
now Jew and Gentile, male and female, bond and free, circumcised and
uncircumcised, everyone tha... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle having now finished his exhortation to the practice of
that great duty of mortification of sin, called here,. PUTTING OFF THE
OLD MAN, comes next to mention several graces and virtues, which he
exhorts them to be found in the practice of; and this he styles,.
PUTTING ON THE NEW MAN; teac... [ Continue Reading ]
Still our apostle makes use of the former metaphor, comparing the
graces of the holy Spirit to garments, which he exhorts Christians to
put on; he had mentioned the putting on of mercy, meekness, humility,.
c. before; now he advises, to PUT on charity, or the grace of love, as
the upper garment over... [ Continue Reading ]
As if the apostle had said, "Let that peace which God has given you
within, and calleth you to exercise without, govern your lives, and
direct you in all your actions towards men, and live in continual
thankfulness to God!"
Here note, That the original word to RULE in the heart, signifies to
umpire... [ Continue Reading ]
These words come in by way of direction and advice, to help the
Colossians in the exercise of the foregoing graces; seeing it is the
word of Christ, or the holy scriptures, which teach the forementioned
duties, he advises that that word of God may dwell in, and take up its
abode with them, richly an... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our apostle lays down. general rule for the right of management
of all our words and actions, in the whole course of life; WHATSOEVER
YE DO, DO ALL IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS, giving thanks to God for
all the mercies you receive by Jesus Christ.
Learn hence, 1. That all our thoughts, words... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. That St. Paul, in the former part of this chapter,
having laid down general exhortations, to live suitably to the gospel
which the Colossians had received, comes now, in the close of the
chapter, to exhort them to the practice fo particular duties in their
respective places and rela... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe, 1. The general duty of the husband declared, to love his wife
with. special, peculiar, conjugal affection, and to discover this love
by. tender care over her, an affectionate regard to her, cohabitation
with her, contentment and satisfaction in her,. patient bearing with
her weaknesses, or... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, The duty bound upon all children, and that is, obedience
to their parents; this implies inward reverence, outward observance,.
pious regard to their instructions,. following their good examples.
Observe, 2. The object of this duty; OBEY YOUR PARENTS, that is, both
parents; as obedienc... [ Continue Reading ]
Here the parents duty, that is the duty of both parents, is laid down,
PROVOKE NOT YOUR CHILDREN TO WRATH; that is, abuse not your power and
authority over them, by being too severe unto them; imbitter not their
spirits against you, by denying them what is convenient for them, by
inveighing with bit... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The general duty incumbent upon all servants, and
that is obedience to such as are their masters according to the flesh,
to execute all their lawful commands; such as are God's freemen, may
be servants to men, though not the servants of men.
Observe, 2. The qualifications and prope... [ Continue Reading ]
That is "Such servants as have wronged their masters, or such masters
as have oppressed their servants, God, who respects no man's person,
and regardeth the rich no more than the poor, will take this time to
revenge the injuries and wrong, done by either to each other."
Note here, The severity and... [ Continue Reading ]