Our apostle here proceeds in setting forth this great mystery of man's redemption in general, and the calling of the Gentiles in particular: he styles it. mystery.

1. Now. mystery is. purpose and decree of God, unknown to, and unsearchable by, man, unless first by revelation discovered and made known by God himself; such. mystery was the whole gospel in general, and this article concerning the calling of the Gentiles in particular.

2. St. Paul styles it. mystery, in other ages of the church, not made known, that is, not so plainly and clearly, unto the sons of men, Jews or Gentiles; for the calling of the Gentiles was foretold and prophesied of, under the Old Testament, but darkly and obscurely; the time when, the manner how, and the means by which, were not understood, till now the Holy Spirit of God revealed it to the apostles and evangelical prophets under the New Testament.

3. The apostle amplifies and sets forth the glorious excellency of that mystery which here he had made mention of; namely, that the Gentiles should have access into the church without an entrance by the door of circumcision, be joint-heirs of the heavenly inheritance with all believers, and together with the Jews taken into the bond of the covenant; and finally, that they were brought into this happy estate by the preaching of the gospel, and by believing and obeying of it.

Learn hence, That the calling of the neglected and despised Gentiles to the knowledge of Christ, and participation of gospel privileges with the Jews, was. great mystery, awfully to be admired, and. glorious mercy, with all thankfulness to be acknowledged, That the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs of the same body,. c.

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Old Testament