As if he had said, "Seeing the riches of God's grace in Christ have so
abounded towards you, who were once Ephesian idolaters, but now
converted Gentiles,. Paul, who am. prisoner for preaching the gospel,
and for declaring this grace to you, do most affectionately exhort
you, that ye live answerably... [ Continue Reading ]
Having exhorted them to the practice of their general duty, namely, to
WALK WORTHY OF THEIR HOLY VOCATION, in the former verse; in these two
verses he presses upon them more special and particular duties, the
chief of which is the duty of Christian unity and concord;
The apostle having exhorted the Ephesians to. strict unity and concord
amongst themselves next proceeds to enforce his exhortation with
several arguments; and there are no fewer than seven summed up in the
three verses now before us.
1. Says the apostle, there is ONE BODY, that is, one universal ch... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle here in these verses supplies us with another weighty
PEACE; namely, that it is one great and chief end which Christ aimed
at, in instituting the ministry of the word, in appointing the several
officers in his church,... [ Continue Reading ]
St. Paul, in these words, declares one special end for which the
ministry of the word was instituted and appointed, namely, to preserve
from error and seduction, to prevent instability of mind, and
unsettledness of judgment, and to confirm persons in fundamental
truths, THAT WE HENCEFORTH BE NO MORE... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle had set forth the excellent end of the ministry, in the
foregoing verse, for furthering their stability and steadfastness in
grace; here he declares the admirable fitness of it, for helping
forward their proficiency and growth in grace. SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN
LOVE: that is, cleaving to th... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle having finished this grand exhortation to love and unity
amongst all christians, and enforced it with the most weighty
arguments and motives in the former part of the chapter; comes now, in
the latter part of it to press the Ephesians to the practice of
particular duties.
The first of w... [ Continue Reading ]
In these verses, 1. Our apostle acquaints the converted Ephesians,
that the saving knowledge of Christ, which they had received,
instructed them better than to practice such licentiousness and
wickedness as the unconverted Gentiles wallowed in. BUT YE HAVE NOT SO
LEARNED CHRIST; that is, the gospel... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle closes this chapter with an exhortation to several duties
belonging to the second table; namely, to abstain from lying, from
anger, from stealing, from corrupt communication, from all bitterness
of spirit, from malice and revenge, and to exercise brotherly kindness
and mutual forgiveness... [ Continue Reading ]
Some understand these words only as. cautionary direction, and sense
them thus: If ye be angry at any time, take heed that ye sin not, by
exceeding due bounds; and if at any time it doth so, suppress it
speedily, before the sun go down. This was. practice even amongst the
heathen; before the sun wen... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The sin dissuaded from: theft and stealing. This the
heathen nations counted no crime; they make no conscience, either
openly or fraudulently, to take away their neighbour's goods.
Therefore, says the apostle, let those of you, who in the time of your
paganism and unregeneracy, were... [ Continue Reading ]
Here the apostle directs us how to manage our tongues, both negatively
and positively, telling us what we should not speak, and what we
should: Let no corrupt, rotten, filthy discourse, come out of your
mouth; such as have rotten lungs have. stinking breath; filthy
discourse argues. polluted heart;... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The title given to the Spirit of God: he is styled
the Holy Spirit, being essentially and infinitely holy in himself, and
the author of all grace and holiness in us.
Observe, 2. The affection of grief, which is here attributed to the
Spirit, not properly, but improperly: when we do... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle had exhorted, in the former verse, not to grieve the Holy
Spirit of God; in the next verse, he acquaints us with the particular
sins that would afflict and grieve him: namely,
BITTERNESS, that is,. secret grudge and. smothered displeasure against
our brother:
WRATH, or an impetuous fie... [ Continue Reading ]