Observe here, 1. The odious character wherewith sin in general is branded: it is styled darkness,. work of darkness, works of darkness, and an unfruitful work. Sin is styled darkness, because it originally springs from darkness, it naturally delights in darkness, it ultimately leads to eternal darkness. Sin is called. work of darkness, to imply the drudgery and toil, the labour and pains, that the sinner is at in the service of sin: the work of sin is. mere drudgery and toil, the labour and pains, that the sinner is at in the service of sin: the work of sin is. mere drudgery. it is not. pleasurable service, but. laborious servitude.

And the apostle calling sin by the name of works, doth intimate to us, that one sin never goes single and alone, but has. dangerous train and retinue. Finally, Sin is an unfruitful work; not materially and subjectively unfruitful, for the corrupt nature of man is. rank soil in which sin thrives apace; but terminatively and ultimately, it is unfruitful in the conclusion, in the event and issue, What fruit,& c. Romans 6:21

Observe, 2.. dehortation, or negative precept: Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness: it is both the duty and interest of every christian to have nothing to do with any sinful work; the preceptive will of God requires this, sin being contrary to the holiness of his nature and will; and the dignity and purity of the gospel calls for this, which is. law of holiness, and. rule of holy living.

Observe, 3.. positive injunction: but rather reprove them.

How are we to reprove the unfruitful workers and works of darkness?

Two ways:

1. By our lips; with plainness, but yet with prudence; with faithfulness, but yet with meekness; in reproof never use sharp words, if soft words will serve the turn.

2. With our lives; thus Nehemiah, by his princely demeanor, did reprove the covetousness of former governors, So did not I, because of the fear of the Lord Nehemiah 5:15;. holy life is. visible and daily reproof given both to sin and sinners.

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Old Testament