These words contain. reason why the Ephesians, who were once darkness, but then enlightened by the Holy Spirit, should walk as children of the light; namely, because the fruits of that light, or of the Holy Spirit, the author of that light which they had received, is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth, that is, it consisted in these things, these are the fruits of the enlightening and enlivening Spirit of God.

So that the force of the argument lies thus: such. walking as is here directed to, namely, in the love and practice of universal righteousness and goodness, is the genuine fruit and natural result of the Holy Spirit, and accordingly as such they were obliged to it. None can walk as children of the light, but such as are renewed and quickened by the Holy Spirit of God, and made children of light; and such will be found in the practice of those duties, wherein that walk consisteth.

Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord; that is,

1. To study the word, and find what is pleasing unto God.

2. Embrace with our hearts what we find to be so.

And, 3. To practise in our lives what we embrace with our hearts.

The scripture acquaints us with some persons and some performances which are very acceptable unto God; such persons as live most by faith, as are very upright in their walking, very sincere in all they do, such are greatly acceptable, namely, when we do justice and judgment, this is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice; both commutative and distributive justice betwixt man and man, more pleasing to God than the highest acts of worship performed to him without this, Proverbs 21:3. To serve Christ with. pure intention, with good will, or. willing mind, and to suffer patiently for well-doing, this is highly pleasing and acceptable unto God, 1 Peter 2:20.

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Old Testament