Our apostle having directed the Ephesians to the duty of prayer in general, desires them here to pray for himself in particular.

Where observe, 1. His exhortation and direction to pray for himself, and all the ministers of the gospel: And for me. Learn hence, That the ministers of Christ are and ought in. special manner to be remembered in the saints' prayers.

Observe, 2. The mercy which he desires them to pray for: That utterance may be given: namely. readiness to deliver to others what God has handed unto us. Ministers depend upon God for utterance, and it is their people's duty to be earnest with God to give it to them.

Observe, 3. The end why he desires this utterance: That he may open his mouth boldly to make known the ministry of the gospel.

Where note, 1. The sublime nature of the gospel minister: and that is, to make known that gospel-mystery.

2. The manner how he is to perform this work: That. may open my mouth boldly; namely, in asserting truth, and in reproving sin, with. wise and prudent, with. meek and humble, with an active and zealous boldness.

Observe 4.. double argument to back and enforce his request to pray for him:

1. From his office: For which. am an ambassador. The ministers of the gospel are God's ambassadors; and shall not their people pray for the success of their embassies?

2. From his afflicted state: He was an ambassador in bonds; his zeal for God, and his truth, confined him to. prison; he preached himself into. gaol. Well, therefore, might they pray for him, who had now lost his liberty, and soon after was to lose his life, for them: no prayers can be too much to strengthen the hands, and to encourage the hearts, of such as suffer tribulation and persecution for the sake of Christ: Pray for me, that. may make known the mysteries of the gospel, for which. am an ambassadsor in bonds.

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Old Testament