Observe here, 1. The object of the apostle's sharp reprehension, the
churches of Galatia.
Observe, 2. The ground of their reprehension, their defection from the
truth into. very great error, namely, their holding of circumcision,
and the observation of the ceremonial law, as necessary to salvation;... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle having prepared the Galatians' attention, by. very smart
and sharp reprehension in the foregoing verse, returns to the subject
of justification by faith without the works of the law, which he had
entered upon in the former chapter, and prosecutes at large in this;
and he uses five argume... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, the apostle calls the doctrine of the gospel, SPIRIT;
because by hearing the gospel preached, they had received both the
gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. The law, with all its rites and
ceremonies, he calls FLESH; because they were now weak, and being but
temporary institutions, we... [ Continue Reading ]
As if the apostle had said, "To what purpose have you suffered so many
persecutions from the Jews, for the cause of Christianity? All which
sufferings will be in vain, if, after all, you bring yourselves under
the bondage of the Jewish yoke; for these might have been escaped, had
you owned the neces... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. That God did accompany the first preaching and
planting of the gospel with the extraordinary gifts of the Spirit,
with. power to work miracles, to heal diseases, and to speak with
tongues which were so many attestations and confirmations that the
doctrine of the gospel was from God;... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our apostle proceeds to. second argument, to prove that persons
are justified by faith, and not by works; and that is drawn from the
example of Abraham: And the argument lies thus: "As Abraham, the
father of the faithful, was justified; so must all believers, the
children of faithful Abraham, b... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, that because the former consequence from Abraham's
justification to ours, might be questioned whether it holds in the
Gentiles, who were not of Abraham's posterity; therefore the apostle
declares, that the greatest promise made to him, was, THAT IN HIM,
that is, in the Messias Christ J... [ Continue Reading ]
Here is. third argument produced in this chapter, to prove that we are
justified by faith, and not by works; because they who seek to be
justified by the works of the law, are under the curse: and if so,
cannot be justified. The argument runs thus, "Our observance of the
law, when at the best, is bu... [ Continue Reading ]
A fourth argument is here produced to prove, that no sinner can be
justified before God, by the works of the law, although before men he
may. The argument is this, taken from THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH
Habakkuk 2:4: that is, live his spiritual life by faith, his life of
justification and sanctific... [ Continue Reading ]
This is the apostle's fifth and last argument, to prove that we are
justified by faith; and that notwithstanding the threats of the law,.
believer is freed from the curse and malediction of the law, by
Christ's bearing the curse for him. CHRIST HATH REDEEMED US, &C.
Where note, 1. The believer's ha... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, one special fruit of Christ's sufferings, and being
made. curse for us: namely, that the curse being abolished, the
blessing of Abraham, that is, the blessing of justification,
reconciliation, and adoption promised to Abraham upon his believing,
might come upon all the believing Gentil... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. An argument drawn from contracts among men, to prove
the fixedness and stability of the covenant made by God: if one man
makes. covenant with another, signs it, seals it, and delivers it
before witnesses, it becomes irrevocable and irreversible; much more
then must the covenant of g... [ Continue Reading ]
Here an objection is moved: Some might be ready to say, "If the law,
that is, works done in obedience to the law, do not justify, then the
law given by Moses upon Mount Sinai, is in vain, and to no purpose;
for why was the law given, enjoining so many duties, promising life to
the obedient, and thre... [ Continue Reading ]
Another objection is here made by the apostle: The Jews might possibly
say, "That the law given by Moses was against the promise of God made
to Abraham." The apostle answers, No; that the law is not contrary,
but subservient to the promise: For the law was not given on Mount
Sinai, to afford life an... [ Continue Reading ]
BEFORE FAITH CAME, that is, before Christ came, and the doctrine of
faith was preached, we were in bondage under the law; the ceremonial
law was. very great bondage; their frequent going up to Jerusalem at
their festivals, was burthensome; their ceremonies were many,
inconvenient and chargeable; the... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. glorious gospel privilege discovered, namely,
adoption; YE ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD. The church of God, under the New
Testament, is in. special state of sonship and adoption, to whom the
privileges and immunities of sons and heirs grown up to maturity do
Observe, 2. The univ... [ Continue Reading ]
What the apostle had asserted in the foregoing verse, he proves in
FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS, because they are baptized into Christ and have
put on Christ; that is, they are admitted into the Christian church by
baptism, they profess Chri... [ Continue Reading ]
As if the apostle had said, "Now, since the coming of Christ, there is
no difference of discrimination between one nation and another, no
regard to any national privilege, either of Jew or Gentile, no
distinction of conditions, either bond or free; or of sexes, either
male or female; but circumcised... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, "If ye be Christ's servants and subjects, then are ye the
true seed of faithful Abraham, and heirs of the blessing, according to
the promise made to him and to his seed." This our apostle asserts, in
opposition to the false apostles, who maintained, that there could be
none tryly reputed Ab... [ Continue Reading ]