Here our apostle returns to the description which he had before given of the false apostles, who, though they urged the necessity of circumcision, yet it was not with any sincerity of intention: it was first to make. fair shew in the flesh; that is, to make. fair outward show of religion, an high pretence to holiness, by observing circumcision, and the other abrogated rites of the ceremonial law.

And secondly, this pretended zeal of theirs proceeded from cowardliness and fear, lest they should suffer persecution from the Jews for preaching the doctrine of the gospel, called here the cross of Christ, because it treats of. crucified Christ. Now the fury of these persecutors was abated towards those that preached up circumcision, but enraged abundantly against those who preached circumcision down.

Observe farther, How well the apostle makes good his charge against these false apostles, the judaizing doctors, that they urged the necessity of circumcision insincerely, and for base ends; namely, because they made no conscience to keep the law themselves, but could dispense with circumcision well enough, if they were amongst their friends, but pleaded for it when in fear of their persecuting enemies; thus they became all things to all men, but it was to save themselves.

And, lastly, he assures them that they urged circumcision upon them, that they might glory in their flesh; that is, might pride themselves that you were become their converts, by being circumcised at their persuasion, and be able to boast of the multitudes of their proselytes, who received circumcision at their instigation, and carried it as. mark of their instruction.

Learn hence, 1. That designing hypocrites do constantly pretend high to religion, but they evermore seek themselves, under. pretence of acting for God and his glory; they that constrain you to be circumcised, make. fair shew in the flesh.

Learn, 2. That though it is our duty to eschew persecution when we can fairly avoid it, yet we must not part with the least iota of truth, or espouse the smallest error, to avoid the sharpest persecution; They constrain you to be circumcised lest they should suffer persecution.

Learn, 3. That men who talk loud of religion, and pretend high to it, who preach it to and press it upon others, but do not conscientiously practice it themselves, it is an evident demonstration, that they are men of corrupt minds, of profligate consciences, that do not believe themselves; for he only believes what he says, that lives as he doth believe: Neither they themselves who are circumcised, says the apostle, keep the law.

Learn, 4. That there is nothing which false teachers and erroneous seducers do so much glory of, magnify themselves by, and pride themselves in, as in the number of their proselytes and converts, which they look upon as so many trophies of their victory, and speaking proofs of their unparalleled abilities; They constrain men to be circumcised, that they may glory in their flesh.

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Old Testament