This is. general precept, and requires us to sympathize with our brethren in all thier sorrows and sufferings, and to bear. part with them under the load and burden of oppressive wants and necessities; particularly, bearing with the weaknesses and infirmities of our brethren, seems here to be recommended to our care and practice in this apostolical injunction, Bear ye one another's burdens. The encouragement to which duty follows, So shall we fulfil the law of Christ; that is, the law of love, the moral law which enjoins us to love our neighbour as ourselves.

But why is this called the law of Christ, when it was long before Christ; yea, before Moses, and as old as Adam himself, being part of the law of nature, which was written in Adam's heart before there was any written Bible?

I answer, the law of love is very properly called the law of Christ; because he revived it, rescued it, recommended and enforced it, frequently urged it upon his followers, and exemplified it in his own life and conversation, therefore called a new commandment, and his commandment: This is my commandment, &c.. new commandment. give unto you, that ye love one another, John 13:34 (see note)

Learn hence, 1. That to have our ear, our heart, and our hand, open to our brethren in distress, is. necessary Christian duty: our ear open to their mournful complaints, our heart open to sympathize with and mourn over them, our hand open to the relief of their necessities and wants. This is. burden which the law of Christ has laid upon us; Bear ye one another's burdens.

Learn, 2. To bear. part of our brethren's burdens with. compassionate heart and helping hand, is. fulfilling of the law of Christ; because much love, which is the fulfilling of the law, goes out, and is acted in the bearing of it; so fulfil the law of Christ.

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Old Testament