Our apostle intending here. comparison between the law and the gospel,
shews first wherein they both agree, and next wherein they differ.
They agree (first) in this, that God was the author of them both: Both
law and gospel received their original from God himself; and God the
Father, by way of emi... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle here proceeds in describing the Divinity of Christ's
person, by whom the Father has made known his will to us under the
gospel. He declares, 1. What he is. 2. What he does, or did. 3. The
consequent of both, or what he now enjoyeth.
Observe, 1. Our apostle declares who, and what Christ... [ Continue Reading ]
In the foregoing verses. comparison was made between Christ and the
prophets, here between Christ and the angels, and the preference and
pre-eminence is given to him above them all. Angels were very glorious
creatures, employed by God in giving of the law; but Christ, whom God
the Father employed in... [ Continue Reading ]
Still our apostle goes on, comparing Christ and the angels together,
and giving. transcendent preference to their one before the other. The
angels are ministering servants, but Christ. Son; the angels are the
prime instruments of the Father's providence, most zealous and active
to accomplish his ple... [ Continue Reading ]
What proof more can be desired of Christ's Divinity, than what is here
given by our apostle? the name and attributes of God are given to him,
as also an everlasting throne and kingdom; divine honour is required
to be paid to him: and here such divine works are ascribed to him,
wherein no creature ca... [ Continue Reading ]
This verse contains. farther proof of Christ's pre-eminence above the
angels, and that he is in reality the Son of God; namely, because he
sits in the quality of. Son, at the right hand of God the Father;
equal to him in dignity, power, and glory, commanding all the visible
and invisible world, most... [ Continue Reading ]
This is that last testimony produced by the apostle to prove Christ's
pre-eminency above the angels. He is. Son, they are but servants to
believers, to the church of Christ, to the heirs of salvation.
Observe here, 1. The nature of angels declared: they are spirits,
without any thing material or co... [ Continue Reading ]