The apostle here confirms what he had before spoken, of the sad and certain destruction of apostates; and compares it with the punishment inflicted on the breakers of Moses' law. If those, under the testimony of two or three witnesses, of that apostasy died without mercy; how much sorer plunishment is due to the contemners of Christ, who tread under foot, that is, vilify and undervalue our Lord Jesus Christ, esteeming him as one that died. public malefactor; counting the blood of the covenant an unholy thing; that is,. common thing; making nothing of the solemnest rite that ever was used in the world for the confirmation of any covenant, to wit, the shedding of the blood of the Son of God, and doing despite unto the spirit of grace: as if he were guilty of lying and falsehood, in bearing witness of the divine power of Christ.

Learn hence, 1. That although to transgress Moses' law was an heinous offence, yet to sin wilfully against the gospel, after we have received the knowledge of it, is far more heinous.

Learn, 2. That to revolt from and rebel against God loving sinful man, against Jesus Christ ransoming and redeeming captive slaves, and against the Holy Spirit sanctifying and cleansing polluted souls, comes nearest the sin of devils; and as the sin is the more heinous, so the punishment must be far more grievous: For God has allotted different degrees of punishments unto different degrees and aggravations of sins.

Learn, 3. That the punishment of final apostasy is eternal without any hope of mercy, and without the least relaxation of punishment: For they shall have judgment without any mercy.

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Old Testament