Our apostle, In these words, winds up his whole argument against the wilful despisers of the gospel, taken from the aggravation of that sin, with the severity of the punishment that would certainly befall them that are guilty of it.

Note here, 1. The description given of God, he is the Living God; so called, both by way of opposition unto all dead and dumb idols, and also with respect to his lively power and strength, whereby he is able to avenge the sins of men; and likewise to signify the eternal duration of his existence. He ever liveth to execute his wrath, and inflict vengeance on the apostate sinner.

Learn, That the name of the living God is full either of terror or comfort to the souls of men.. Lord! Thine attributes, which are the principal delight of all sincere Christians, and the special object of their hope and faith, are an eternal spring of dread and terror to all impenitent sinners.

Note, 2. What is the effect and fruit of all sin in general, and of apostasy in particular, namely,. falling into God's hands. There is. threefold hand of God mentioned in Scripture; his protecting hand, his correcting hand, and his wrathful and revenging hand. It is safe and comfortable to fall into God's protecting hand: It is profitable and beneficial, though not pleasing and delightful, to fall into God's chastening and correcting hand; but to fall into his angry hand; his wrathful and revengeful hand, this is sad and fearful; either to fall under this sentence of his wrath in this life, or under the full and final execution of that wrath in the life to come.

Note, 3. THe tremendous dreadfulness of that wrath; it is. fearful, dreadful thing, that which no tongue can utter, no heart can conceive. Who knoweth the power of thy wrath? Psalms 90:11.

Learn hence, That the wrath and vengeance which the ever-living God will certainly inflict upon all wicked sinners in general, and upon all wretched apostates in particular, is very dreadful and tremendous; and so must needs be, because it is. wrath inconceivably great, and unavoidably sure, and because it is the wrath of. just God, of an almighty God, and of an ever-living God.

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Old Testament