The first words of this verse, Ye had compassion on me in my bonds, prove St. Paul to be the author of this epistle; for who else could there be, whose bonds for the gospel were so known, and so famous among the believing Jews?

His bonds were first at Jerusalem, afterwards at Rome, the two capital cities of the Jews and Gentiles. And St. Paul declares here what. tender sympathy and fellow feeling with him in his suffering they did express: ye had compassion on me in my bonds, that is, ye owned me in my sufferings, ye sympathized with me under my sufferings, ye administered to my succour and relief when burthened with my sufferings.

Observe next, he reminds them of their deportment under their own sufferings; Ye took joyfully by the spoilers, than it was by the spoiled.

Learn, It is the peculiar glory and excellency of the gospel, that is gives insuperable joy unto the Christian's mind, under the greatest outword sufferings: They endured joyfully the spoiling of their goods.

Observe lastly, THe reason of this their Christian patience under sufferings; they had. substance; they had. substance in heaven; and they had. better substance in heaven that they lost upon earth; and they knew they had it, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven. better and more enduring substance.

Learn hence, That faith by giving and incomparable preference to the things of heaven, above all perishing things on earth, affords abundant joy and full satisfaction in the loss of them all, upon the account of an assured interest in better things.

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Old Testament