As if he had said, "Seeing you have endured so much, never shrink back from. bold and courageous profession of Christ and his holy religion, which will be crowned with. great recompence of reward."

Observe, 1. The exhortation, Cast not away your confidence and courage in the free profession of Christianity, like cowardly soldiers, that in the heat of the battle do cast down their shields and armour, and run away. The Christian is. spiritual soldier; he must not shrink, or give back, but die. conqueror rather than be taken prisoner.

Observe, 2. The reason which enforces the exhortation, (which hath great recompence of reward,) mark, the reward is certain, and that it is due to such as persevere. Perseverance and the reward are in separably joined together, so that the one shall infallibly follow the other.

Hence learn, That in times of suffering, and in the approaches of them, it is the duty of believers to look upon the glory of heaven, under the notion of. refeshing and all-sufficient reward; cast not away your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.

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Old Testament