Ye have need of patience: But had they it not already, when they endured such. great fight of afflictions? Yes, assuredly; the meaning hereof is this: "Ye have need of the continued exercise of patience;" implying, that without the constant exercise of patience, none can pass through tribulation to the glory of God, and their own advantage.

We have need of patience to perform difficult duties, to resist strong temptations, to wait for an answer of our prayers, and also to wait for the reward of our patience. After we have done the will of God, we have need of patience to enable us to wait for the receiving of the promise, that is, the good promised.

Here note, that the glory of heaven firmly believed, will powerfully sustain the Christian spirit under sufferings.

2. That patience is as necessary to enable us to expect and wait for the reward of our sufferings, as it is needful and necessary to support and uphold us under sufferings.

Observe farther, The comfortable assurance which the apostle gives, both of the certain coming, and speedy coming of Christ to reward their faith and patience: He that shall come will come, and will not tarry.

Note here, The Christian's suffering season will be short, Christ will come to call him off. He will come, and will not tarry; and when he comes, no dificulties shall be able to stand before him, but such as have suffered patiently, shall be rewarded gloriously.

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Old Testament