Observe here, 1. twofold opposite state, namely them that draw back, and them that believe, that is, persevere in believing; we are not of them that draw back.

Intimating, 1. That in the visible church there ever have been, are, and will be,. number of hypocrites, who, for fear of suffering in. time of persecution, will draw back.

2. That it is every Christian's duty to evidence to his own conscience, and also to give evidence unto others, that he is not of this sort or number: We are not of them who draw back.

Observe, 2.. twofold opposite event, perdition on the one hand and salvation on the other. The first of these is denied, the latter is affirmed, concerning these Hebrews: We are not of them that draw back into perdition: But of them that believe, to the saving of the soul.

Where note, 1. The actual influence of apostacy on the one hand to destruction; nothing can free apostates from eternal ruin.

Note, 2. The actual influence of faith on the other hand to the saving of the soul.

Thence learn, That sincere faith will carry men through all difficulties, hazards, and troubles, unto the certain enjoyment of eternal blessedness. We are of them that do believe, unto the saving of the soul.

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Old Testament