In these words the faith of Moses's parents is celebrated: the birth of Moses fell out in the very height and fury of Pharaoh's persecution, when the king had given commandment to destroy all the male children; Moses was then born and hid by his parents, and preserved as. deliverer of the church of God.

Oh! how blind are all the persecutors and opposers of the church of God! When they think all things secure, and their counsels so deeply laid that God himself cannot deliver out of their hands, then doth the Almighty lay in provision for his church's deliverance, and their destruction. Now was Moses,. deliverer, born and hid.

But observe. double cause of Moses' hiding: the first external, they saw he was. proper child; they had. persuasion that God would provide. person to be their deliverer; and they saw something divine in Moses to stir up their faith, and raise their expectation, that he might be the person.

The second, the internal and moving cause: They were not afraid of the kings' commandment, or bloody decree.

Learn hence, 1. That the commands of kings and princes have oft-times been. very great trial to the children of God; so was Nebuchadnezzar's command to worship the golden image, and such was Pharaoh's command here.

Learn, 2. That kings and princes must not be obeyed in things contrary to the word of God: obedience without reserve is to be paid to none but God. They were not afraid of the king's commandment.

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Old Testament