Observe here, 1. The person spoken of, Rahab,. Gentile, an Amorite, an harlot, who kept. victualling house in Jericho, and so was both harlot and hostess, defiled both in body and mind, with idolatry and adultery.

2. What is spoken of her; she believed: By faith Rahab, &,c. She was converted to God before the spies came to her, by what she had heard of him and his mighty works.

Behold here. blessed instance!

1. Of the sovereignty and freedom of God's grace.

2. Of the power and efficacy of divine grace, in calling and converting. person given up by her own choice to the vilest of sins, even to the ravings of lust; but no sinner nor sin is to be despaired of, in whose cure sovereign grace is engaged.

Observe, 3. The effect and fruit of her faith, She received the spies with peace; that is, entertained them safely, concealed them, gave them intelligence, exposed herself to danger in the converance of them; an eminent fruit,. special evidence, and an high demonstration of her faith: indeed she told an officious lie; but God pardoned it, and the apostle here makes no mention of it; the Holy Ghost lays, as it were, the finger upon the scar, and covers it out of sight, contrary to the practice of the malignant world, who overlook all the good, and reflect only upon the evil of an action; whereas God takes notice of the good, but passes by the evil.

Observe, 4. The benefit and advantage she received by her faith, she perished not; that is, when the credulous and idolatrous people of Jericho were destroyed, she and her family were preserved.

From the whole learn, 1. That God is ready to show wonderful mercy to penitent sinners, if they return to him, and believe in him, how great soever their sins have formerly been.

Learn, 2. That true faith, wherever it is, will show itself by some eminent effect, and notable fruits of it.

Learn, 3. That the rewards of faith are excellent and truly glorious; as she was preserved from the common ruin at Jericho, so shall all believers be saved from that wrath and destruction which shall come ere long upon the impenitent and unbelieving world.

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Old Testament