Without faith, that is, without justifying faith, without faith in the Messiah, for that is the faith here spoken of, there is no possibility of pleasing God, and if so, then no possibility of being saved without faith. This appears partly from the divine constitution, God has so appointed it, partly from the nature of the thing itself; faith being the first regular motion of the soul towards God, no works, no duties, no performances whatsoever can please God without faith. He that cometh to God, that is, hath any access or approach to him in. way of worship, or any access or acceptance into his grace and favour, he must believe:

1. God's being.

2. God's bounty: That he is: And that he is. rewarder of such as diligently seek him.

Learn hence, 1. That the first point of faith, if we would have anything to do with God, is firmly to believe that there is. God: He that cometh to God, must believe that he is.

Learn, 2. That the fountain of all obedience and service to God, is. firm belief of his being. rewarder of all them that diligently seek him.

Learn, 3. That the whole issue of our finding God when we seek him, depends upon our diligently seeking of him; he is. rewarder of them, of all and only them, that diligently seek him.

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Old Testament