Here the apostle subjoins another reason why the Hebrews should be reconciled to. suffering condition; because what they had already suffered was but. fleabite, compared with what Christ and the fore-mentioned cloud of witnesses suffered; he and they resisted unto blood, which you never yet did: Ye have not resisted unto blood, &c.

By blood is meant death and loss of life; though they had resisted bravely, and suffered manfully, yet their lives were safe.

Learn hence, 1. That such as are engaged in the Christian profession have no security, but that they may be called forth to the utmost sufferings, even to the sealing of it with their blood.

Learn, 2. That whatever befalls us on this side, blood is to be looked upon as. fruit of divine tenderness and mercy towards us.

Learn, 3. It is highly dishonourable to faint in the cause of Christ and the gospel, under lesser sufferings, when we know there are greater to be undergone by ourselves and others on the same account.

Learn, 4. That it is. noble struggle to resist even unto blood, in opposing sin, and striving against it; both in striving against the sin which others commit, and in striving against the sin which others by promises or threatenings would tempt us to commit.

O how honourable. warfare is it to be engaged against such an enemy as sin is! Striving against sin.

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Old Testament