Note here, 1. That although the apostle had. firm persuasion, that they were sincere and upright, and would hold on their way, yet he exhorts them to show the same diligence which they had done, and to persevere to the end, as they had begun.

Learn hence, That ministerial exhortation unto duty is needful, even unto them that are sincere in the practice of it, that they may abide and continue therein: we desire that you show diligence unto the end.

Note, 2. The special duty he exhort them to, and that is, to attain. full assurance of hope. Hope is. certain and assured expectation of good things promised, accompanied with love, and. longing desire to enjoy them. A full assurance of hope, is such. fixed, constant, and prevailing persuasion, concerning the good things promised, and our certain enjoyment of them, as will support us under, and carry us through all the difficulties and troubles that we conflict with.

Learn hence, That. good man may, in this life, arrive at an assurance of faith and hope, as touching the goodness of his condition in the life to come. The original word signifies. full gale of hope,. metaphor taken from sailors, who enter the harbour with. full gale of wind, both with facility and safety. The Christians soul is. ship sailing in. tempetuous sea: Faith represents the pilot, love the sail, hope the wind that must fill the sail: be the pilot ever so confident, the sail spread to the utmost, yet without. gale of wind the ship lies becalmed, moves not towards the harbour.. Christian on earth without hope, is as. ship at sea without wind.

Note, 3. The special means directed to, in order to the attaining of this full assurance of hop, and that is, to show diligence, the same diligence, and that to the end.

Learn thence, That Christians ought by no means to wax secure, but to use all their hope to. full assurance; We desire that every one of you do show the same diligence, to the full assurance of hope to the end.

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Old Testament