Observe here, 1. The apostle's preface in which he doth briefly
recapitulate the sum and substance of his preceding arguments, NOW OF
Learn hence, That when doctrines are important, and the matters
treated of very weighty and momentous, we should en... [ Continue Reading ]
That the Lord Jesus Christ is our great High Priest under the gospel,
the apostle had sufficiently demonstrated and confirmed before.
Observe here, How he next declares what is the nature, duty and office
of Christ as our High Priest; namely, TO OFFER GIFTS AND SACRIFICE..
priest that has nothing t... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle, in these words, proves the excellency of Christ's
ministry of priesthood above that of Aaron and his sons, from the
excellency of the new covenant (or the new dispensation of the
covenant of grace) above the old, of which he was the mediator. Now
the more excellent the covenant the more... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. What is charged on the first covenant, and that is
faultiness: By which we are not to understand any sinful faultiness,
but defectiveness and imperfection only: For it was not faulty in the
matter and substance of it, as it was instituted and ordained by God,
but therefore called fa... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The persons with whom this covenant is made, the
house of Israel, and the house of Judah; not made with them as.
political body, because their policy was to be dissolved, but as. part
of the universal church.
Observe, 2. The author of this covenant, and that is God himself, I
WILL... [ Continue Reading ]
These words are not to be understood absolutely, but comparatively:
They are. promise that under the new covenant dispensation the Holy
Spirit shall be so plentifully poured forth, and the light of the
gospel so clearly shine forth that there shall not be such need as
under the law, to teach men the... [ Continue Reading ]
This is the great fundamental promise of the covenant of grace, pardon
of sin.
Thence learn, That free and underserved grace, in the pardon of sin,
is the original spring and foundation of all covenant-mercies and
Observe farther, How copiously the Spirit of God sets forth the
benefits... [ Continue Reading ]
The apostle having, in the foregoing verses, proved the insufficiency
of the old covenant, and the necessity of the new, and given the
preference to the latter above the former; in this last verse he
acquaints us with the abrogation of the old covenant, IT IS MADE OLD;
and with the abolition of it,... [ Continue Reading ]