Our apostle, in these words, proves the excellency of Christ's ministry of priesthood above that of Aaron and his sons, from the excellency of the new covenant (or the new dispensation of the covenant of grace) above the old, of which he was the mediator. Now the more excellent the covenant the more excellent the ministry.

Learn hence, 1. That the gospel-covenant, or the new covenant, was the best covenant that ever God made with man; not but that the old and new covenant were the same for substance, though not for clearness; indeed temporal things were types and shadows of better things, even of heavenly things; And accordingly believers under the Old Testament were saved by. covenant of grace as well as we.

Learn, 2. That the gospel covenant is therefore. better covenant, because established upon better promises; their promises of old were chiefly temporal, though not only temporal promises. Ours are chiefly spiritual, yet are temporal things promised us also; but more rarely, and with the exception of the cross, or rather they are thrown in as additions to spiritual promises, Matthew 6:33. But the promises of the covenant of grace are therefore better, because strength and assistance is engaged for, and graciously offered, in order to enable us to perform the conditions of them: The law required sinless obedience; the gospel accepts sincere obedience, and offers grace to perform it.

Learn, 3. That Jesus Christ is the mediator of this better covenant: As there was. covenant made between God and man, so there was need of. mediator that the covenant might be effectual: for. mediator is necessary, both where there is. controversy and difference, and also where there is an imparity and distance between persons: In both respects Christ is mediator; and his mediation was needful, that he might bring us to God.

God stood upon terms before he would pardon sin. Justice must be satisfied, and that by blood, and that blood of infinite value; therefore Christ is first. sponsor before. mediator; he first satisfies for. breach, before he goes about to make up the breach between God and the sinner: Thus was he the mediator of. better covenant.

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Old Testament