The apostle, in this verse, declares the spiritual use and signification of the Levitical service, and what the Holy Ghost did intend thereby; namely, that the true and proper means to enter into heaven, the holy of holies, was not so fully and clearly manifested; and that heaven, represented by the holy of holies, was as yet inaccessible; for Christ first entered into heaven as our forerunner, with his blood to appear before God, and thereby to prepare the way for our entrance after him.

Hence learn, 1. That the Holy Ghost's design, in all the Levitical service, was to direct the faith of believers to Christ the promised Messiah, who was signified thereby; the Holy Ghost thus signifying.

Learn, 2. That although typical institutions, attended diligently unto, were sufficient to direct the faith of the Jews unto the expectation of. real expiation of sin, and. gracious acceptance with God thereupon; yet the clear manifestation of the way of expiation of sin by the blood of Christ, is the great privilege and discovery of the gospel.

Learn, 3. Although the standing of the first tabernacle was. great mercy and privilege, yet the removal of it was. greater, because it made way for the bringing in of that which was much better, the gospel state.

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Old Testament