In these words the apostle lays down. forcible argument, to persuade Christians to bear sufferings and persecutions with invincible patience, drawn from the blessedness which attends such. condition: Blessed is the man that endureth temptations, &c.

Note here, 1. The character of the person whom God pronounceth blessed; namely, not the man that escapeth temptations and trials in this life, but he that bears them with courage and constancy, with patience and submission.

Note, 2.. description of that ample reward which shall be conferred upon such sufferers; They shall receive the crown of life.

Where observe, the felicity of. future state is set forth by. crown to denote the transcendency and perfection of it; and by. crown of life, to denote the perpetuity and duration of it.

Note, 3. Here is an intimation of the time when this transcendent reward shall be dispensed, namely, when the suffering Christian has finished his course with patience and perseverance: When he is tried he shall receive the crown of life.

Learn from the whole, that. patient and constant enduring of trials and afflicitons in this life, shall certainly be rewarded with. crown of blessedness and immortality in the life to come; Blessed is the man that endureth temptation, &c.

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Old Testament