As if the apostle had said, "Seeing God has put such an honour upon his word, the word of truth, as by it to beget us to himself; therefore be swift to hear it, prize it highly, and wait upon the means of grace readily and diligently; but be slow to speak, that is, to utter your judgments of it, much more slow in undertaking to be. teacher and dispenser of it; also slow to wrath, or to contentions about the words and points of divinity: wrath and passion hinders all profit by the word, either preached, read, or discoursed about; and. forcible reason is rendered why all wrath should be suppressed, because the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God; that is, man's sinful anger will never put him upon doing those things that are just and righteous in God's account: or there is. figure in the words; more is intended than expressed; the meaning is, that the wrath of man is so far from working the righteousness of God, that it worketh all manner of evil."

Learn hence, that man's anger is usually evil, and very unrighteous: anger justly moderated, is. duty, but such. duty as is very difficultly managed without sin; rash, causeless, and immoderate anger, gratifies the devil, dishonours God, discredits religion, wounds our own peace.

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Old Testament