That is, although multitudes reject him, yet some received and owned him for the true Messias; and those that did so, he advanced to the high dignity of adoption and sonship, giving them power, that is, right or privilege, to become the sons of God.

Here note, 1. The nature of justifying faith declared, As many as received him.

Now this receiving of Christ implies these three things,

1. The assent of the understanding to that divine testimony which the scripture gives of Christ.

2. The consent of the will to submit to this Jesus as Lord and King.

3. The affiance and trust of the heart in Christ alone for salvation; for faith is not. bare credence, but. divine affiance, and such an affiance in Christ, and reliance upon him, as is the parent and principle of obedience to him.

Note, 2. That it is the high and honourable privilege of all such as receive Christ by faith, to become the sons of God by adoption. This is. precious privilege,. free privilege, and honourable privilege, an abiding privilege, and calls for all possible returns of gratitiude and thankfulness, of love and service, of duty and obedience, of submission and self resignation.

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Old Testament