Our blessed Saviour having in the end of the foregoing chapter
upbraided the Pharisees for their blindness and ignorance in the
mysteries of religion, notwithstanding the high conceit which they had
of their own knowledge, he proceeds in this chapter farther to
convince them, that they were blind le... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The character which Christ gives of himself, I AM THE
DOOR OF THE SHEEP; that is, the only way and means by which sinners
have access to God, and can obtain salvation: the only door by which
sinners are entered into the kingdom of grace, and admitted into the
kingdom of glory.
Lear... [ Continue Reading ]
In these verses our Saviour evidently proves himself to be the true
Shepherd of his church, by the marks and signs, by the properties and
characters, of. good shepherd; which were eminently found with him;
namely, to know all his flock, to take care of them, and to lay down
his life for them.
1. Je... [ Continue Reading ]
Here Christ proves himself to be the true shepherd of his church from
another property of. good shepherd, which is to take care for
increasing and enlarging of his fold, by bringing in the Gentiles to
it; and by breaking down the partition wall, to make one church both
of Jews and Gentiles. Christ c... [ Continue Reading ]
Hence note, 1. That Jesus Christ certainly foreknew his own death and
2. That Christ was. volunteer in dying, HE LAID DOWN HIS LIFE, none
could have taken it from him. 'Tis true, his death was. violent death,
but. voluntary sacrifice; he died violently, but yet voluntarily: the
hand o... [ Continue Reading ]
Here the evangelist shews what different effects this sermon of our
Saviour had upon the Jews; many of them calumniate and slander him, as
one possessed and mad, and therefore not to be heard and minded;
others of calmer thoughts said, That the doctrine be taught, and the
late miracle which he had w... [ Continue Reading ]
This feast was not of divine, but human institution; it was appointed
by Judas Maccabeus, and continued eight days, as an anniversary
commemoration for the repairing of the temple. Now our Saviour was so
far from reproving the Jews for observing this feast, which was of
human institution, that he gr... [ Continue Reading ]
In these verses we have recorded. new and fresh debate betwixt our
Saviour and the Jews, and therein we have observable, 1. The time of
this debate, John 10:22.
that opportunity to publish his doctrine, when. concourse of people
w... [ Continue Reading ]
Here observe, 1. That all sincere and faithful Christians are Christ's
sheep, and he is their great and good shepherd. This relation implies
tender affection, powerful protection, and plentiful provision. The
tenderness of Christ's affection, towards his sheep, appears by
pitying their infirmities,... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The promise made by Christ unto his sheep, namely,
the promise of eternal life, and perseverance in grace, till they come
to the full fruition of it in glory, I GIVE UNTO THEM ETERNAL LIFE,
Observe, 2. The confirmation he gives of... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, one in essence and nature, one in authority and power, and
not barely one in will and affection, one in concord or consent. That
this is the genuine signification of the words, appears by. three-fold
1. From the original words: it is not said,. and my Father are one
person in the... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. How the Jews understood our Saviour affirming, that
he and the Father are one; that is, one in essence and nature, and
himself. person equal with God. This they looked upon as blasphemy in
him, to arrogate to himself what is proper to God only.
Observe, 2. That the Jews looked upon... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our Saviour by. two-fold argument vindicates himself from the
imputation of blasphemy, in assertion himself to be God.
1. Because the Old Testament gave to magistrates and judges the title
of gods, I HAVE SAID YE ARE GODS Psalms 82:6. Now Christ argues
strongly from the less to the greater, th... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we have. second argument, by which our Saviour proves, that it
was no blasphemy to call himself God; but that he was God in very
deed; namely, an argument taken from his works: IF. DO NOT THE WORKS
OF MY FATHER, BELIEVE ME NOT; and the argument runs thus; If (says
Christ). do those miraculous w... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The violence and fury of these unbelieving Jews,
against the holy and innocent Jesus! THEY SOUGHT AGAIN TO TAKE HIM.
Observe, 2. The prudential care of Christ for his own preservation;
his time being not yet come, he withdraws from Jerusalem, the nest of
his enemies, and goes beyon... [ Continue Reading ]