Our blessed Saviour in the foregoing chapter, having acquainted his
disciples with his approaching death, by the treachery of Judas, their
hearts were thereupon overwhelmed with grief and trouble. Accordingly
in this chapter, by sundry arguments, he comforts his disciples
against the perplexity of t... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. How Thomas, and probably divers others of the
apostles, notwithstanding all that Christ had said to the contrary,
did still dream of. temporal kingdom, and supposed him to speak of
some earthly palace which he was going to, and therefore he tells our
Saviour, he knew not whither he... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. What. gross conception the apostles had, and St.
Philip in particular, of the divine nature and being, as if God the
Father could be seen with mortal eyes. SHEW US THE FATHER, AND IT
SUFFICETH US. It is not easy to determine what degrees of ignorance
may consist with saving grace; d... [ Continue Reading ]
Here Christ gives his disciples. promise of enduing them with power
after his departure to work miracles in some respects greater than
what he wrought himself; not greater in regard of the manner, for he
wrought by his own power, and they wrought all in his name, but
greater in regard of the matter... [ Continue Reading ]
In these words our Saviour produces another argument to quiet his
disciples's hearts under their perplexity and trouble for the loss of
his bodily presence; he assures them, that whatever comforts they
enjoyed by his presence, they shall obtain by their prayers.
Observe here, 1. The qualification r... [ Continue Reading ]
In these words our Saviour implicitly reproves his disciples for their
fond way of expressing their love to him, by doating upon his bodily
presence, and sorrowing immoderately for his absence and he expressly
warns them to evidence their love to him by their obedience to his
commands; IF YE LOVE ME... [ Continue Reading ]
Christ comforteth his disciples here, with. promise of the mission of
the Holy Spirit, to supply the want of his bodily presence.
Where observe, 1. The procurer of this blessing, and that is Christ,
by his prevailing prayer, and powerful intercession; I WILL PRAY: it
runs in the future tense; and s... [ Continue Reading ]
Here observe, 1. The condition which the disciples were in upon the
account of Christ's removal from them, and that was sad and
comfortless: fatherless or orphans, as the word signifies.
Learn hence, That Christ's departure, or the loss of his gracious
presence, is very sad and comfortless to. piou... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our Saviour foretells his approaching death, that within. little
time the men of the world should see him no more; for though he rose
again, the world saw him no more after his death; for we read of no
appearance of him after his resurrection to any, but to his disciples
only. Indeed his resurr... [ Continue Reading ]
Our blessed Saviour in these words repeats what he had before enjoined
at verse 15, namely, to evidence the sincerity of our love to him, by
the universality of our obedience to his commands: HE THAT HATH MY
Where note, 1. The necessity of kn... [ Continue Reading ]
Some understand these words of. temporal manifestation, and thing that
Judas the brother of James, who spake them, still expected that Christ
should be. temporal prince, and have such. kingdom as should be
conspicuous to all the world, and therefore puts the question. How he
could possibly shew hims... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, How our Saviour still goes on to direct and encourage
his disciples to evidence the sincerity of their love to his person,
but the universality of their obedience to his commands; and tells
them how great their advantage would be by so doing.
For first, THE FATHER WOULD LOVE THEM; tha... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we have. repeated promise of the mission of the Holy Ghost,
called THE COMFORTER, and his special office declared; namely, to
teach, and to bring to remembrance what Christ had taught; HE SHALL
TEACH YOU ALL THINGS. As the Spirit of God is the great Comforter, so
he is the Special Teacher, of h... [ Continue Reading ]
As if our Lord had said, "Whatever outward trouble the world gives
you, be not afraid of it before it comes, nor troubled at it when it
is come, for. will give you inward peace in the midst of all your
Where note, That Christ's peace is va... [ Continue Reading ]
That the disciples of Christ might neither be overset with fears, not
overwhelmed with grief, he tells them that they ought to entertain the
news of his departure rather with joy and exultation, than with sorrow
FATHER. True love to... [ Continue Reading ]
The time of our Saviour's death now nearer and nearer approaching, he
prepares the expectation of his disciples for it, because evils that
surprize us suddenly, do sink our spirits sadly: whereas what we fear,
for that we prepare.
Accordingly our Lord arms his disciples against all disquietude, and... [ Continue Reading ]