Some understand these words of. temporal manifestation, and thing that Judas the brother of James, who spake them, still expected that Christ should be. temporal prince, and have such. kingdom as should be conspicuous to all the world, and therefore puts the question. How he could possibly shew himself to his disciples, and the world not see him? Others understand it of. spiritual manifestation; as if he had said, "Lord! who or what are thy disciples, that we should enjoy more special manifestations of thy love to us, than to the rest of the world? Why should we be dignified by such distinguishing favours above others?"

Learn hence, 1. That there is. real difference put by Christ betwixt his own children and the world, in the matter of special manifestations.

2. That there being no cause from the creature why Christ should make this difference, his discrimination grace is matter of just and great admiration. Well might the apostle out of. deep admiration say, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?

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Old Testament