Observe here, How our blessed Saviour, under the metaphor of. vine,
elegantly sets forth himself in his relation to his visible church,
shewing, under that similitude, what his Father meant to do with
Judas, and with all unfruitful branches like unto him, even take them
away, cut them off, and throw... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Saviour having in the former verses distinguished his disciples
into two sorts; some that were members of his body the church, and
branches of him the true vine, by outward shew and visible profession
only: others that are spiritually ingrafted into him, and do bring
forth much fruit: now in thi... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our holy Lord discovers the sad and deplorable condition of such
professors, who pretending relation to Christ, do yet bring forth no
fruit unto him: he calls them withered branches, fit only for the
Learn hence, That such as have had. long standing in God's vineyard,
and contented thems... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. glorious privilege declared: ASK WHAT YE WILL, AND IT
SHALL BE DONE UNTO YOU. Not that we are hereby warranted to ask what
we please at God's hand, but our will must be limited by the word and
will of God; we must pray in faith, and in the name and mediation of
Jesus Christ, and wit... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Lord here exhorts his followers to an holy fruitfulness in good
works, by. double argument.
One drawn from the glory of God: HEREIN IS MY FATHER GLORIFIED.
The other from their own advantage: SO SHALL YE BE MY DISCIPLES; that
is, hereby ye shall evidence and prove yourselves to be my disciples... [ Continue Reading ]
Lord, what. comparison is here! As the Father hath loved me, so have.
loved you: he doth not say, As the Father hath loved me, so have.
loved him; but so have. loved you: nor doth he say, As God hath loved
me, so have. loved you; but, AS THE FATHER! It is VERBUM DILECTIONIS,.
word importing dearness... [ Continue Reading ]
Christ had told his disciples in the foregoing verse, that he had
LOVED THEM, EVEN AS THE FATHER HAD LOVED HIM; that is, with an eternal
love, with. real and operative love, with an immutable and constant
In this verse he directs them how they may continue in the sense of
his love; namely, by... [ Continue Reading ]
In these words our Saviour declares the ground and reason why he did
so earnestly press and urge the duty of being universally fruitful
upon his disciples, and that was two-fold:
1. THAT HIS JOY MIGHT REMAIN IN THEM; that is, that the joy which he
had in their holiness and obedience might remain wi... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Lord had often in this farewell sermon of his to his dear
disciples, pressed upon them the duty of loving one another, chap. 13
and 14. And yet here he inforces it from his own example: AS. have
loved you, so love you one another; that is, as truly and as sincerely
for the manner, though not in... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our Saviour gives his disciples an evidence of the greatness of
his love unto them; namely, in his readiness to lay down his life for
them, which is the highest expression of love to our dearest friends,
because life is the greatest earthly blessing.
Learn hence, That Christ's love, in laying... [ Continue Reading ]
Here Christ invites his people to obedience, by the honourable title
of friends: YE ARE MY FRIENDS.
1. Actively, you will declare and manifest yourselves to be my
2. Passively,. will declare myself to be your friend.
Learn hence, 1. How condescending is the love of Christ, in calling
hi... [ Continue Reading ]
By these words Christ declares the reason why he was pleased to change
his stile, and call his disciples friends instead of servants: namely,
because of his communication of secrets to them, which servants are
not admitted to the knowledge of: HENCEFORTH. CALL YOU NOT SERVANTS;
that is, not mere ser... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our Saviour gives another instance and evidence of his love to
his disciples; he tells them, that his mercy and free goodness had
prevented them in their election to eternal salvation, and in their
vocation unto the office of apostleship: YE HAVE NOT CHOSEN ME, to be
your Master and Lord, BUT.... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. With what frequency and importunity our Lord
inculcates and presses the duty of mutual love upon his disciples: I
It denotes the great importance of the duty, and the great averseness
and backwardness of our hearts to the performance of it.
And if... [ Continue Reading ]
These words are not to be understood absolutely, but comparatively; as
if Christ had said, "Had not. come amongst them in my incarnation, and
preached personally to them the doctrine of salvation, and confirmed
that doctrine by miraculous operations, they might have pleaded
ignorance in some measure... [ Continue Reading ]
These words declare the heinous nature of the Pharisees sin, in hating
and persecuting Christ, who had done before their eyes such works as
no man besides him, or before him, ever did: he acting by his own
Peter healed the lame man, Acts 3:1-16. but it was in the name of
Jesus of Nazareth: b... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our Holy Lord confirms himself, that, though he had laid them
under many aspersions and scandals from the world, yet all these
should be done away by the coming of the Holy Spirit who should
testify of him, and make his person and doctrine to be acknowledged in
the world; and that they themselv... [ Continue Reading ]