Pilate asks him again directly and expressly, Art thou. king or not?

Our Saviour answers, " Thou sayest that. am. king, and so it is indeed as thou sayest,. am. king, and the king of the Jews too; but not. temporal king, to rule over them after the manner of earthly kings with temporal power, and worldly pomp and splendour: but. am. spiritual king, to rule and govern, not only the Jews, but my whole church, consisting both of Jews and Gentiles, after. spiritual manner."

Observe here, 1. The dominion and sovereignty of Jesus Christ; he has. kingdom: My kingdom.

Observe, 2. The condition and qualification of this kingdom, negatively expressed: My kingdom is not of this world.

Observe, 3. The use and end of this kingdom: that the truth may have place among the children of men for their salvation: To this end was. born, and came into the world, to bear witness unto the truth.

Observe, 4. The subjects of Christ's kingdom declared: Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice; that is, every one who is by divine grace disposed to believe and love the truth, will hear and obey Christ's doctrine.

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Old Testament